Aging Well in Senior Living

How senior living surrounds you or your loved one with all the elements for aging well. It could be your passport to longevity!

There’s a lot of great information out there about how to live a longer, happier life. In fact, sometimes it can feel overwhelming, especially when you or your loved one do not have the right resources immediately available.

In senior living, the components of healthy aging are right at your fingertips—companionship, physical activity, lifelong learning, good nutrition, and having a purpose. The ingredients for a higher quality of life.

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What Care Is Provided in Senior Living Communities?

Photo os a senior for the article What Care Is Provided in Senior Living Communities?

When considering care levels provided in senior living, make the right choice for you or your loved one today, as well as for future needs.

Independent living, assisted living, memory care, respite care and skilled nursing: visiting senior living communities is an excellent way to get a firsthand look at the care provided in senior living. You also can talk to others who have been through the search process, as well as your physician and experts in senior living.

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Know Before You Go: Questions to Ask When You Tour a Senior Living Community

Phot of a senior for the article Know Before You Go: Questions to Ask When You Tour a Senior Living Community

When you set out to tour a senior living community, you might think the best strategy is to just see how it “hits” you—you’ll either love it immediately or you won’t. But it’s impossible to make a sound decision about what could be a big part of your future without knowing all the details.

Give yourself ample time prior to your visit to come up with questions about topics that matter most to you. Think about how you like to spend your time. What you would like in a residence. Whether or not the location is a big factor. Also try imagining what you would like a typical day in a new maintenance-free lifestyle to look like.

Ask the right questions as you tour a senior living community to gain essential facts and to give yourself the freedom to just experience it as well.

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Finding a Sense of Safety and Security in Senior Living

Photo of a senior for the article Finding a Sense of Safety and Security in Senior Living

It’s been said that home is not a place, it’s a feeling. But for many older adults, the familiar feelings of security and comfort can slip away over the years as needs change. That is why so many opt for a lifestyle that offers them what they are looking for: senior living safety, satisfaction and fulfillment.

Senior living safety offers your family precious peace of mind that you have chosen the best living environment for yourself or for a loved one.

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What’s Included in the Cost of Senior Living

Cover photo of seniors for the article What’s Included in the Cost of Senior Living

The cost of senior living: just what are you getting? Quite a lot, from important services, amenities and experiences to intangible delights. Learn more.

You’ve chosen a lifestyle filled with companionship, stimulation and wellness. You’ll be surrounded by interesting people eager to share experiences. A cheerful and experienced staff will be on hand to assist when needed, 24 hours a day. You have a sound plan in place, offering both you and your family peace of mind both now and in the future. Priceless!

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What’s Important for You in a Senior Living Community?

Cover photo of a seniors for the article What’s Important for You in a Senior Living Community?

Choosing a senior living community requires careful consideration. Prioritizing wants and needs will give you more confidence when making a decision.

After all, this is where you want to feel completely at home, relaxed, safe, and cared for by people you trust. And of course, you will want to keep in mind how you want to feel in your new home.

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Why a Move to Senior Living Can Make More Sense Before the Holidays

Senior mom with adult daughter by the Christmas tree for the holidays and presents and decorations in the background

When the holidays roll around, it’s only natural to try and make everything as bright and cheerful as possible for those you love, especially aging parents and older loved ones. But trying to recreate holiday memories can actually cause more stress than cheer, which is why a move to senior living before the holidays can…

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6 Ways to Make It Easier to Move to Senior Living During the Holidays

Santa Claus and elder woman playing piano

A move to senior living isn’t just about packing and unpacking. It is a whole new beginning that lets you make the most of this exciting chapter of your life. And especially during the holidays, there are several ways to make it easier—even enjoyable—as you look forward to the new year in your new home.…

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